jŌb: the now testament
Everybody asks the question WHY, and most people have an opinion. When there is no answer we simply say: “It’s part of God’s plan.” But is it? How could a just God have a plan that requires death and destruction? It is hereinside this question where our story begins. The cast sings: “What’s the good news?” This song reveals society looking for the truth about humanity and divinity. It reveals how we fill our lives up with stuff in order to make us feel better but in reality, we are just avoiding the deeper question to the source of our pain.
You can buy the original cast’s recordings on iTunes or listen to it on Spotify!
Cast of JOB performs with members of Divine Mercy Parish, Kenner, LA
photo credit: Lorraine Hess
Bring the JŌB Cast to YOUR Church!
The JOB cast & crew has performed at many parishes as a fully-contained 2-hour musical. It can presented on stage, in your parish hall or the sanctuary and we even bring our own costumes and props. However, there are ways to involve your music ministry, as we often like to use a group of local youth as Job's 10 kids. They would learn some basic choreography plus about 10 songs from the show. We provide a choreographer who works with the kids while you can teach them the music score. Typically the musical is performed with backing music tracks (great for rehearsing!), but we can also provide a full band. We bring our own microphones, and can supplement additional lighting and audio needs as well. The great thing about this show is that it's flexible to work with your individual church in various ways, or we can be completely stand-alone and just come to present for you.
Cast of JOB performs at Archbishop HS with Holy Spirit Parish in San Jose, CA
photo credit: Megan Bernstein
Perform the Musical with YOUR Group!
We are excited to now be licensing the musical to churches throughout the United States for a limited run engagement. For a nominal rental fee, you'll be provided the following materials for your own church to perform Job:
Vocal Score
Band Instrumental Parts
Choreographer Notes & YouTube Training Videos
Director's Script + Notes
Lighting & Audio Cues script